Sunday, January 12, 2020

Nonfiction reader response

Now in Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne with her family and family friends have been in there hideout in the office warehouse for a while now. Things are getting harder with two families living together when the family friends are always complaining about Anne’s attitude and how she is as a person. Right now in the book she is in a troubled state in where she wants her father love for her and that her father shouldn’t just take sides with Margot and her mother without knowing the whole story. Anne is now always fighting with her mother and sister because they are different from each other and Margot and her mom are closer with each other.

“I love them; but only because they are Mummy and Margot. With Daddy it’s different. If he holds Margot up as an example, approves of what she does, praises and caresses her, then something gnaws at me inside, because I adore Daddy. He is the one I look up to. I don’t love anyone in the world but him.” I thought it was interesting in how she wanted her father approval more than anything and how she really felt hurt on how her father took her sisters side without knowing her side of the story.

I learned how hard it was in the camps. Jews were taken to the camps and not treated right Anne had said in her diary, “ Westertork sounds terrible: only one washing cubicle for a hundred people and not nearly enough lavatories… Men, women and children all sleep together… It is impossible to escape; most of the people in the camp are branded as inmates by their shaved heads and many also by their Jewish appearance.” It was hard for them because they are being judged without knowing them. Just because they are Jewish they are treated so badly, it would be something not to forget because they are being treated so badly as if they did something but they haven’t and yet they are getting treated so poorly by the camps.

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