My feelings in this book have honestly been kind of a rollercoaster. Like when Leon was in the ghetto with his mother and it was only them two I felt sympathetic for them because they are starving, tired, and scared for their lives because they know the Nazis will kill anyone if even they didn’t do anything that’s just how much power they had. Then when they had found back their dad and brother and sister I felt relieved that they were alive and that had brought their hopes up about surviving all together.And this gave me hope that they would survive.
If the author was alive I would ask him, Did you think you were ever going to survive? I would ask this because I'm genuinely wondering and if that’s what he thought most of the time he was going through all the events he was going through. And maybe I would ask did he ever think he was strong enough to go through the Holocaust to, because not everybody could go through what he did and it’s amazing that he survived.
I think what has been the most important part of the book for me was when they found each other when they had been separated, because when you are away from family emotionally that takes a toll on you because you just want to see them. So when they had found each other again I thought that brought hope to them to survive for each other and pull through. So this must have been an important part of them to because they also have two sons who aren’t with them so they must feel relieved that they haven’t lost anymore from there family, and how they need to make sure they keep themselves safe and survive together.
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