Friday, April 13, 2018

Goals for Q4

My goal for Q4 is that I want to try to turn in all of my work like bloggers,essays and other work that the teacher gives us so I don’t have to go to working lunch or even after school so I don’t have any problems with my work this goal is for ela. For math what I want to work on for my goal is to try to start remembering the formula and to try to practice with surface area because I do struggle with that and some time making the nets I also want to work on remembering to bring my note book to take notes because today I forgot my notebook and I needed it so I want to work on that. I also do want to work on trying to go to school everyday so I can get slip to dress down. My third goal is to just really try hard these last few weeks of school and try my best by not playing around in my classes so I can get good grade on my last report card in till we go to seventh grade and again to try to finish all my work in my classes even my 4 blocks like my art class and gym to work as hard as I can. Thea’s are my quarter 4 goal for this blogggg

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