Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Slice of life

my slice of life story is when I had to choose my dog when I was four or five years old. Me and my dad went to a dog shop that selled dog mostly puppies they sold and when we entered I saw so many adorable puppies I wanted to take them all home but I couldn’t I could only choose one . First I saw this brownish whitish dog which was really small and cute but I wanted a dog that was fluffy and small. After that I found a white one that was small and fluffy she was adorable so when my dad asked me what dog I wanted I asked for that fluffy white one so we asked the employe if we could play with her and see if we would want her. When went to a room to go play with the dog they told me that the dog was girl I got to play with her for a while and first she was little she but then she started to get play full and that when I said to my dad I wanted her so he did the paper work and got all the things we needed for her then the next I got my new dog Suzy

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