Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Favorite Quote

My favorite quote is “ sometimes you will never know the value of a moment in tell in becomes a memory” - by Dr Suess because what I Think he is trying to say is that maybe something that you thought was a moment became a memory that you will remember forever when you get older and would remember that old memories and laugh or cry about them. You would probably even say that I never thought this would happen to me or even to someone like a example would be that when someone ask you to marry them and you are surprised anwering that question could depend how you future is in the future. Or let’s say that something horrible happened like a car crash and you got hurt or someone else got hurt that little moment becomes a memory it could scar you because of that moment or in could bless you in that moment. Another reason is maybe you got this new book that you are dying to read and when you read it you travel the world with that small book that you didn’t even know it would be able to that so that moment of wanting to read it became a memory of traveling the world. This is one of my favorite quotes because you don’t know weather you are wrong or not is can be a mystery in till you find out the truth.

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